Perfect Vision was founded and owned by a group of Turkish Eye Surgeons to provide high quality, reliable, affordable eye surgery options.
Read MoreThe sixth most popular tourist destination in the world is Turkey. The number of medical tourists is expected to exceed 2 million by 2023. May the light of your eyes never fade away.
Read MoreIn Perfect Vision you are in hands of highly experienced surgeons using best quality surgical devices. We offer direct contact with your surgeon without using any health tourism agency to reach the goal of highest quality surgery and affordability.
Read MoreAhmet Akman, MD, FACS Professor of Ophthalmology Co-founder and Chief Cataract SurgeonPerfect Vision Turkey Ahmet Akman, MD graduated from Hacettepe University School of Medicine in 1991. He started Ophthalmology residency in 1991 at Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology. He finished residency in 1995. In 1996 he started to work at Başkent University School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, wh...
Read MoreSafiye Yilmaz, MD Professor of Ophthalmology Co-Founder and Chief Refractive Surgeon,Perfect Vision Turkey CEO, Ata Saglik Hospital Safiye Yilmaz, MD, graduated from Ege University School of Medicine in 1997. She started her ophthalmology residency at Izmir Ataturk Training and Research Hospital in 1997, completing it in 2001. Post-residency, she worked for 6 months at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, in 2001. At the year of 200...
Read MoreDr. Mehmet Helvacıoğlu works as an ophthalmologist at our center. In our center, all eye examinations and surgeries are performed by physicians specialized in excimer laser, yag laser, oct (Heidelberg),angio, computer vision field, blood pressure and biometry devices with advanced technological devices....
Read MoreDr. Melih Türe works as an ophthalmologist. He performs all oculoplastic surgeries (eyelid diseases and plastic surgery). His areas of interest include cataracts, glaucoma, vision defects, eyelid aesthetics and excimer laser. He graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine and works at Private Ata Health Hospital...
Read MoreAre all Professors of Ophthalmology who speak English. They also have the highest academic degrees in their subspecialties. This link allows you to meet, check credentials, and select your surgeons.
Meet The TeamCataracts are clouding of our natural lens inside of our eye which at first causes blurry vison and if left untreated causes complete visual loss.
Read MoreRefractive lens surgery (RLE Surgery) is the newest and most popular option for people wants to get rid of their glasses after the age of 45.
Read MoreLaser eye surgery is the common name for laser refractive surgery which aims to correct refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.
Read MoreAn intraocular lens (or IOL) is a tiny, artificial lens for the eye. It replaces the eye's natural lens that is removed during cataract surgery.
Read MoreUnfortunately, our eyes can be exposed to problems due to aging and many preventable yet mostly treatable diseases.
Read MoreIn this section, we aim to address frequently asked questions regarding eyes. Please send us your questions using our e mail.
Read MoreDidn't find what you need? Contact us today.
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Très bonne expérience avec le Docteur Safiye Yilmaz. Je leur ai expliqué que je devais retourner en France le Vendredi donc j’ai réussi à avoir un rendez-vous Mardi. La c{...}
26.03.2024Ich bin mit der gesamten Abwicklung vom ersten Termin bis hin zu der OP super zufrieden. Wer sich für eine Trifokallinse entschieden hat ist bei Frau Prof. Dr. Safiye Yil{...}
22.03.2024Uso gli occhiali da anni, finalmente me ne sono sbarazzato, sono molto soddisfatto, grazie mille / I've been using glasses for years, I finally got rid of it, I'm very sa{...}